- absence (184)
- access to work (4)
- accidents (49)
- accreditation (6)
- age (80)
- agency workers (8)
- allergies (20)
- antidepressants (8)
- anxiety (64)
- apnoea (6)
- asbestos (65)
- asthma (48)
- audit (22)
- back pain (73)
- bbv - bloodborne viruses (32)
- benchmarking (6)
- biological agents (3)
- biopsychosocial (19)
- bladder (2)
- bma - british medical association (22)
- bmi - body mass index (18)
- bohrf - british occupational health research foundation (3)
- bohs - british occupational hygiene society (25)
- boorman review (14)
- bullying (33)
- burnout (26)
- cancer (104)
- cardiovascular (29)
- caring (2)
- carol black (34)
- case law (207)
- case management (13)
- case study (16)
- cbi - confederation of british industry (7)
- cbt - cognitive behavioural therapy (36)
- cfs chronic fatigue syndrome (15)
- chartered society of physiotherapy (3)
- chaspi - corporate health and safety performance index (2)
- cipd (23)
- cochrane review (15)
- cognitive impairment (13)
- common cold (6)
- competencies (6)
- condition management (9)
- confidentiality (42)
- consent (38)
- construction (29)
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (1)
- corporate manslaughter (21)
- cost benefit analysis (37)
- COVID-19 (138)
- cpd - continuing professional development (12)
- data protection (39)
- dda - disability discrimination act (13)
- death at work (44)
- department of health (14)
- depression (96)
- dermatitis (23)
- diabetes (15)
- dilemma (13)
- disability (196)
- discrimination (129)
- dismissal (1)
- dispute resolution (8)
- doctors (43)
- DPA - Data Protection Act (5)
- driving (51)
- drugs and alcohol testing (20)
- dwp - department for work and pensions (55)
- EAP - employee assistance programme (2)
- ehrc equality and human rights commission (16)
- emergency services (27)
- emf - electromagnetic fields (13)
- employment law (67)
- environmental medicine (6)
- equality act (93)
- Equality Act 2010 (1)
- ergonomic (15)
- ethics (27)
- evidence based practice (659)
- exposure limits (113)
- eyesight (22)
- ffw - fit for work service (25)
- Fit for Work Scotland (1)
- fit note (47)
- fitness for work (72)
- fitness to practice (16)
- flexible working (44)
- FOHN - Faculty of Occupational Health Nursing (18)
- fom - faculty of occupational medicine (71)
- gambling (3)
- GDPR (10)
- gender (37)
- gmc general medical council (46)
- gp - general practitioner (77)
- GRI Occupational health and safety reporting standard (2)
- harassment (34)
- havs - hand arm vibration syndrome (48)
- hazardous substances (153)
- health and safety (196)
- health and work service (14)
- health promotion (58)
- health surveillance (9)
- health work and wellbeing (119)
- healthcare worker (126)
- hearing (29)
- heart disease (27)
- hepatitis (25)
- hiv (30)
- hpa - health protection agency (4)
- hr - human resources (21)
- hse - health and safety executive (199)
- hsw - health and safety at work act (21)
- HWPU - Health at work policy Unit (1)
- immunisation (12)
- Incapacity benefit (7)
- influenza (32)
- injuries at work (70)
- inspections (11)
- insurance (5)
- international (22)
- iosh - institute of occupational safety and health (12)
- it - information technology (15)
- Job retention (9)
- job satisfaction (20)
- law (273)
- legionnaire's disease (9)
- legislation (48)
- letter (8)
- Liability (29)
- lighting (2)
- line managers (18)
- lung disease (19)
- malaria (2)
- manual handling (32)
- mediation (3)
- Menopause (2)
- menopause and reproductive health (1)
- mental health (277)
- mesothelioma (33)
- MOHAWK Management Of Health At Work Knowledge (5)
- motivation - motivational interviewing (3)
- msd - musculoskeletal disorder (128)
- multiple sclerosis (5)
- nanomaterials (12)
- neck pain (13)
- needlestick (35)
- NHS (99)
- nhs oh services (29)
- nhs plus (14)
- nice guidelines (45)
- night work (17)
- NMC - Nursing and Midwifery Council (35)
- noise (26)
- obesity (70)
- obituary (5)
- occupational disease (42)
- occupational hygiene (30)
- oh information systems (11)
- oh nursing (92)
- oh physicians (84)
- oh policies (117)
- oh technicians (14)
- outsourcing (9)
- over-working (23)
- overtime (8)
- pandemic (62)
- parental leave (8)
- parkinsons (4)
- pathways to work (2)
- pay (30)
- perceived functioning (4)
- PHP practitioner health programme (5)
- physical activity (68)
- physical agents (7)
- Physiotherapy (7)
- ppe personal protective equipment (50)
- pre-employment screening (33)
- pregnancy (1)
- pregnancy, menopause and reproductive health (77)
- prescribed diseases (39)
- presenteeism (30)
- professional development (41)
- professional practice (48)
- ptsd - post traumatic stress disorder (35)
- public health (18)
- quality (5)
- radiation (1)
- rcn - royal college of nursing (21)
- rcp - royal college of physicians (7)
- reach - registration evaluation authorisation and restriction of chemicals (13)
- reasonable adjustments (92)
- records - reports (43)
- records and reports (1)
- recruitment (7)
- Rehabilitation (32)
- relationships at work (6)
- retirement (30)
- Return to work (173)
- revalidation (16)
- riddor - reporting of injuries and dangerous occurences regulations 1995 (31)
- RIDDOR – Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (1)
- risk assessment (60)
- rsi - repetitive strain injury (21)
- rudeness at work (3)
- sars (3)
- screening (25)
- seqohs - safe effective quality occupational health service (23)
- sex discrimination (1)
- sharps (17)
- shiftwork (46)
- shoulder disorder (7)
- sickness absence (181)
- sicknotes (10)
- sleep (51)
- smes - small and medium-sized enterprises (17)
- smoking (28)
- socioeconomic factors (9)
- SOM - Society of Occupational Medicine (34)
- ssp statutory sick pay (14)
- stammering (1)
- statistics (70)
- stress (163)
- substance misuse (29)
- suicide (16)
- surgery (6)
- tax (8)
- the working time regulations 1998 (5)
- training (57)
- trauma (8)
- travel health (6)
- tribunals and courts (122)
- tuc trades union congress (17)
- unfair dismissal (1)
- upper limb disorders (17)
- vaccine (60)
- varicella (1)
- violence (32)
- voluntary work (5)
- wellbeing (91)
- whistleblowing (7)
- WHU - work and health unit (4)
- working time (63)