December/January 2022/2023 (vol. 19/4)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader Article NewsWorkers’ health information pp04-05
London centre pp05
Testing issues pp05
Sightloss toolkit pp07
SEQOHS Standards pp08-09
Action on silica pp09
Respirable silica pp09
MSK toolkit pp10
RCN out of order pp10-11
Asbestos directive pp11
Long-covid disability case pp12-13
Sick pay and long COVID pp13-14
Retained EU law bill pp15-16
Ventilation test failures pp16-17
Ionising radiation pp17
EXPERT WITNESS: Employment practices: workers’ health: Part 1 pp18-20
Part 1: the draft new data protection guidance
Digital eye strain pp21-28 CPD
A review of its causes, prevention and management
COVID-19 and elite sport pp29-32
Occupational health challenges and reflections
Mental health issues in the workplace: Part 4 pp33-38
Part 4: OH professionals as preventionists
Undergraduate OM training needed pp39-40
Work-focused undergraduate occupational medicine teaching in medical schools needs drastic reinforcement