February/March 2015 (vol. 11/5)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader Article NewsEbola prevention pp4
Fit for work pp5
MRC backs centre pp5
WCA review pp6
Diving codes pp8
Shiftwork health pp8
Is obesity a disability? pp10-11
Lead exposure pp11
Meet the practitioner: Jo Robbins pp12
Jo Robbins, OH nurse, manager and director, Washington House Occupational Health Ltd
Top employers’ OH provision pp13-16
Employee health and wellbeing in the UK
Survey: Professional practice survey 2015, Part 1 pp17-26
Part 1: the state of the OH professions
Sharp relief pp27-34
Highlights from the Eye of the needle report and POINTERS conference on occupational bloodborne virus exposure prevention
Expert Witness: Health, work and data protection, Part 1 pp35-36
Part 1: all change across the EU