February/March 2015 (vol. 11/5)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Top employers’ OH provision
Employee health and wellbeing in the UK
How important is employee health to the UK’s leading organisations? Here we reveal the results of our survey into occupational health provision across FTSE® 100 companies and a selection of the UK’s largest public sector employers.
DO the UK’s big employers invest in their workers’ health? We asked some leading companies – prioritising those in the FTSE® 100 share index and a selection of large public sector employers – about the occupational health (OH) services provided for their staff. Although the link between a healthy workforce and a healthy bottom-line is increasingly well recognised, how does this awareness translate into…
Rebecca Ghani is news and features writer for Occupational Health [at Work].
Author: Ghani R
Occupational Health at Work February/March 2015 (vol. 11/5) pp13-16