April/May 2008 (vol. 04/6)
ContentsFeaturesResearch PlusCPD
Legal update
Summary of new and forthcoming legislation
The OH at Work legal update is a unique source of information on recent, scheduled and expected changes to the law.
Occupational Health at Work’s fourth annual update is a comprehensive digest of recent, scheduled and expected changes to the law, codes of practice and official guidance in occupational health, health and safety, disability and professional practice. 2007 saw the introduction of a number of important legal changes. At a European level, the long-awaited Registration, Evaluation, Assessment and Restriction of Chemicals…
John Ballard is editor of Occupational Health [at Work].
Paul Suff is contributing editor of Occupational Health [at Work].
Author: Ballard J, Suff P
Occupational Health at Work April/May 2008 (vol. 04/6) pp17-32