Press release | New online CPD tool: Personal Learning Zone
23 February 2017 | For immediate release
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Occupational Health [at Work] subscribers, as well as At Work Partnership conference delegates can now log Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours online in their Personal Learning Zone. Time can be recorded for reading featured articles and other signposted content, attending events, and reflecting on these activities.
Each issue of Occupational Health [at Work] includes activities based on one or two featured articles, which include tailored questions and an area for reflecting on responses in the light of the suggested answers. CPD time can also be logged for general reading of other articles, news, research and analysis and reflecting on these.
Conference and training course participants can also log CPD time in their Personal Learning Zone, by logging the time they have spent at events, as well as the time they have spent on reflection and further reading after the event.
Journal subscribers and conference participants can generate and download CPD certificates, which display the logged CPD time and key learning points. The CPD time is self assessed, and is based on participating in events, reading the journal, undertaking the journal activities, as well as reflecting on the learning points of these activities.
For doctors and nurses, the documented learning can be used as part of the evidence for revalidation; and for other workplace health professionals, hours can be logged in learning portfolios.
Notes for editors
- The Personal Learning Zone can be found at
- Occupational Health [at Work] is published by The At Work Partnership, an independent publisher, research and training organisation, specialising in occupational health and disability at work.