Occupational Health [at Work] Journal
Occupational Health [at Work] is a unique publication providing expertly written legal, practical and management occupational health information.

Editorial coverage
Each issue of Occupational Health [at Work] covers the science, law and practice of occupational health, including:
- legal guidance and news – our legal updates keep you abreast of key developments in the law, and each issue features a column by the highly regarded barrister Diana Kloss
- original research and surveys – our research is unavailable from any other source and includes surveys on pay and benefits of occupational health professionals and
pre-employment and pre-placement screening - in depth articles – we cover the whole spectrum of OH issues – mental health, occupational asthma, absence management and managing disability at work, to name but a few –
and keep you informed of the latest developments. - research digest and research plus – examines recent peer reviewed papers from the UK and internationally and analyses the occupational health implications
- current controversies – in our dilemma pages, two leading experts with opposing views argue a controversial issue.
Clearly written and meticulously researched, Occupational Health [at Work] is designed to make your working life easier. Occupational Health [at Work] is published six times a year.
Online service
Our online service is an optional extra for subscribers wanting electronic access to current and previous issues of the journal. It provides access to:
- All information published in Occupational Health [at Work] from June/July 2010 onwards to the present day
- Access to the feature articles and Research Plus (summaries of key evidence-based research) published in the preceding three years from 2007-2010.
With a database dating back over ten years, we’re sure that you’ll find the information you need. And, our easy-to-use search puts the information immediately at your fingertips!
The Occupational Health at [Work] online service is designed for subscribers to the printed journal, so you will need a subscription to the printed journal if you wish to use the online service.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
You can gain CPD by reading Occupational Health [at Work], answering CPD questions and reflecting on your learning. Please visit our Personal Learning Zone to find out more.
Don’t miss out – subscribe online today!
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