October/November 2012 (vol. 09/3)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader Article NewsH&S exemptions pp4
OH must change pp4-5
NMC chair pp6
Handling a heavy burden pp8 - 9
Disfigurement at work pp11-14
The workplace can be a challenging environment for people with disfigurements
Returning to work following surgery pp15-17
A comparison of English and Swedish return-to-work guidelines
Alcohol on the brain, Part 1 pp18-21
Part 1: Understanding alcohol misuse and its implications for occupational health
Safer needles pp22-25
Overcoming resistance to the use of engineering controls to prevent needlestick injuries
How reasonable are reasonable adjustments? pp26-30
Recent developments in the law
Fit note practice pp31-34
GPs’ use of fit notes and the practices of occupational health
Expert Witness: Criminal liability pp35-36
Criminal liability under health and safety law