December/January 2011/2012 (vol. 08/4)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader Article NewsHSE Passport blog pp4-5
Compensatory rest breaks pp10-11
Unfit to practice pp11-12
Dangerous substances pp13
A multidisciplinary society pp14-15
The Society of Occupational Medicine’s new membership criteria
Marketable wellbeing pp16-19
Leeds Met’s wellbeing excellence becomes a commercial entity
Mediation in OH pp20-24
Workplace mediation: a role for occupational health?
A holistic approach to stress and wellbeing at work, Part 5 pp25-27
Part 5: what makes a good job?
Dilemma: The rise or fall of occupational medicine pp28-29
Is occupational medicine an ageing profession in decline?
Meeting the challenge pp30-33
Is occupational medicine an ageing profession in decline? A response from the Faculty of Occupational Medicine.
Expert Witness: Mental health at work, Part 1 pp34-35
Part 1: compensation for stress-related illness