April/May 2011 (vol. 07/6)
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Research Plus
Predictive power of previous absence
In a large prospective study, 1,542 new hospital workers (71% female, 52% nurses) took 5,138 spells and 21,250 days’ medically certified absence over the study period (45,324 person-months’ follow-up). A greater number of previous spells increased the probability of a future spell – particularly in relation to mental and behavioural conditions, skin disorders and diseases of the nervous system. Duration of previous absence predicted future absence duration, but only for musculoskeletal and skin conditions. Duration was also associated with recurrence.
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 2011: online first: doi: 10.1007/s00420-011-0620-0. http://goo.gl/GOEDu
Occupational Health at Work April/May 2011 (vol. 07/6) pp50