April/May 2011 (vol. 07/6)
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Research Plus
Better relationships promote RTW
‘Return-to-work effort sufficiency’ (RTW-ES) is a measure of the efforts made by the employee and employer to support the return to work (RTW) process, and is carried out formally in the Netherlands before the assessment of disability benefits. RTW-ES is deemed sufficient if there is an effective RTW plan and the chances of return are optimised. The significant factors associated with RTW were: high education; no previous periods of disability; and a good employee–employer relationship. The only factor significantly associated with having a sufficient RTW-ES was a good employee–employer relationship.
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 2011; online first: doi: 10.1007/s10926-011-9293-5. http://goo.gl/bOxID
Occupational Health at Work April/May 2011 (vol. 07/6) pp50