December/January 2010/2011 (vol. 07/4)
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Equality Act and code of practice
An A–Z guide for OH practitioners
The Equality Act 2010 came into force on 1 October and the long-awaited codes of practice have been laid before Parliament. Our exclusive easy-to-use A–Z guide explains which areas in the legislation and employment code will affect occupational health.
The Equality Act 2010 is perhaps the single most important piece of legislation affecting the work of OH professionals[1]. The Act covers nine ‘protected characteristics’ and among these, disability, age, pregnancy and maternity, and gender reassignment are all areas that have particular relevance to occupational health. OH professionals are likely to be called on to advise employers and individuals on …
John Ballard is editor of Occupational Health [at Work].
Author: Ballard J
Occupational Health at Work December/January 2010/2011 (vol. 07/4) pp24-36