December/January 2010/2011 (vol. 07/4)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Dilemma: Rebranding occupational health
Does OH need a rebrand? ‘Occupational health’ versus ‘workplace wellbeing’
What’s in a name? Many organisations are now re-branding their occupational health functions with alternative titles, such as ‘health and wellbeing’ or ‘workplace wellness’. But do such name changes add value, or simply reflect the latest fad. Liz Short and David Snashall debate.
Liz Short: I don’t dislike the term ‘occupational health’. Between 1996 and 2008 I was indeed proud to have these words in my job title – but it’s time to move on. I work for a large local government organisation employing around 24,000 people. It used to have an occupational health service. Now it has a ‘Health and wellbeing service’, where counselling, health …
Liz Short is health and wellbeing services manager at North Yorkshire County Council.
Dr David Snashall is director of occupational health services at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust.
Author: Short L, Snashall D
Occupational Health at Work December/January 2010/2011 (vol. 07/4) pp22-23