August/September 2010 (vol. 07/2)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Absent Minds
The CBI’s annual absence figures unravelled
The CBI has launched its latest statistics on sickness absence in the UK, but John Ballard is not impressed with the research quality underpinning the data.
IT is two years since the CBI last produced its previously annual sickness absence and workplace health report. The organisation’s latest figures, for 2009, show that little has changed since the previous poll, or even over the past 20 years1. Absence remains at 3.9% – the same level as in 1989 – employers still blame 15% of lost time on ‘sickies’ and ….
John Ballard is editor of Occupational Health [at Work].
Author: Ballard J
Occupational Health at Work August/September 2010 (vol. 07/2) pp21-23