June/July 2010 (vol. 07/1)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Supporting doctors
When providing healthcare, should doctors be treated differently from other employees?
Doctors need healthcare support, just like other people. But do their positions as healthcare providers themselves mean they should be treated differently from other patients?
A person who develops a common mental health condition, such as depression or anxiety, may find it hard to access support, fearing negative reactions from others and the implications that disclosure might have on their careers. But what if that person were a doctor? Are those barriers even greater? And do doctors make poor patients, regardless of their health condition? Occupational Health [at Work] asked a panel of specialist practitioners and healthcare directors if doctors should be treated differently…
Author: Various Authors
Occupational Health at Work June/July 2010 (vol. 07/1) pp22-25