October/November 2008 (vol. 05/3)
ContentsFeaturesResearch PlusCPD
Dealing with difficult issues
Part two: third parties, language barriers and pregnancy-related absence
In the second of his series on difficult issues in OH practice, Alan Black discusses the right approach when dealing with the employee who brings a third party to the consultation, where there are language barriers and with pregnancy-related sickness absence.
As with the first in this series on difficult issues (OH at Work 2008; 5(2): 24–27), this article deals with a number of topics that can, if not handled correctly, lead to problems establishing a good rapport with the employee. This prevents an accurate and comprehensive assessment being made and can result in difficulties supporting the individual in remaining…
Dr Alan Black is an accredited specialist in occupational medicine working in the independent sector in Northern Ireland.
Author: Black A
Occupational Health at Work October/November 2008 (vol. 05/3) pp32-34