June/July 2008 (vol. 05/1)
ContentsFeaturesResearch PlusCPD
Preventing work-related ill health
HSE replies to Simon Pickvance’s open letter
Health and Safety Executive chair Judith Hackitt responds to Simon Pickvance’s open letter and explains how the HSE’s strategy for health at work will continue to develop and meet the needs of the workforce.
IN his Open Letter (this issue pp.23–25), Simon Pickvance raises many interesting points in the important area of occupational health. I see the prevention of workplace ill health and injuries as central to HSE’s work and whilst I agree that the number of people reporting work-related ill health is of concern, HSE has made significant progress in this area…
Judith Hackitt is chair of the Health and Safety Executive.
Author: Hackett J
Occupational Health at Work June/July 2008 (vol. 05/1) pp26-27