December/January 2007/2008 (vol. 04/4)
ContentsFeaturesResearch PlusCPD
Research Plus
Evidence-based OH practice
One hundred and six OH physicians took part in a study of training in evidence-based medicine (EBM); 48 were selected randomly for a short course in EBM followed by case-method learning sessions in peer groups. Participants submitted case files. An expert panel assessed the quality of advice. Physicians in the EBM group advised better return-to-work interventions compared with controls after two months (88% versus 67%, p = 0.01), but the difference was smaller and not significant after four months. There were no differences in the quality of the return-to-work prognoses.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 2007; 33(5) 368–378.
Occupational Health at Work December/January 2007/2008 (vol. 04/4) pp39