October/November 2007 (vol. 04/3)
ContentsFeaturesResearch PlusCPD
Research Plus
Wrist disorders
A study of more than 3,100 workers in Denmark in 19 industrial settings – ranging from pig slaughtering and textiles manufacture, to supermarket and bank work – analyses the contribution of risk factors to the onset of hand–wrist disorders. Force was the main ergonomic risk factor for hand disorders in monotonous industrial work, but high levels of repetition may also play a role. Threshold levels were not established. Working with the hands out of neutral position was not identified as a risk factor.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2007; 64; 527–533. http://oem.bmj.com/content/64/8/527.abstract
Occupational Health at Work October/November 2007 (vol. 04/3) pp40