October/November 2007 (vol. 04/3)
ContentsFeaturesResearch PlusCPD
Welcome to the working week
Survey of OH professionals part 2:workplace environment and career development
In the second part of his analysis of OH at Work’s exclusive poll of OH professionals, Paul Suff looks at the workplace environment, including hours of work and job responsibilities, as well as professional issues, such as career development.
MOUNTING evidence indicates that long working hours are potentially hazardous to health. So why do OH professionals persist in putting in extra hours at work? As with our previous survey of the profession, which was carried out in 2004, OH at Work’s latest poll reveals that OH professionals are working longer hours – on average, more than seven hours each week.…
Paul Suff is contributing editor of Occupational Health at Work.
Author: Suff P
Occupational Health at Work October/November 2007 (vol. 04/3) pp22-28