June/July 2023 (vol. 20/1)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader ArticleExpert advice pp03
BOHS retains name pp04
Work-related stress pp05
Smart recruitment pp05
Lost days pp06-07
Positive action pp10
Flexible working pp11-12
Accompanying persons at the OH consultation pp13-18
The results of our April Tea-breaker poll
Chaperones in OH – Part 1 pp19-24
Part 1: the role of chaperones in occupational health practice
Promoting physical activity pp25-28 CPD
Should physical activity be promoted to workers? It depends…
Menopause and work: progress report pp29-33
Why more still needs to be done to support workers experiencing the menopause
Expert Witness: Neurodiversity at work: the role of OH pp34-37
An exploration of the relevant law