February/March 2023 (vol. 19/5)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader ArticleStanding orders pp03
Flexible working pp04
Digital monitoring pp05
Work-related ill health pp06-07
New year honour pp07
Wellbeing at work pp08
Young workers pp08-09
Bbv guidance pp08
NHS HAVS fine pp09
Consent in OH pp09
Refusal to see OH pp10-11
Redundancy selection pp11-13
Long covid pp13-14
Fear of covid-19 pp14-15
The smart return-to-work plan: Part 2 pp16-25
Part 2: the build
EXPERT WITNESS: Employment practices: workers’ health: Part 2 pp37-40 CPD
Part 2: draft guidance on data protection, medical examinations and testing, and other topics