August/September 2021 (vol. 18/2)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader Article NewsTackling burnout pp05
Fatal injuries pp08
Quit smoking pp08
Weight management pp08-09
Chronic pain pp09
Disabled workers pp09
Pre-employment health questions pp12-13
Reason for dismissal pp13-15
Health and safety laws pp15-16
Lead prosecution pp16
Metalworking fluids pp16
Asbestos fine pp16
COVID-19: Back to work pp17-35 CPD
A Q&A for occupational health professionals
Establishing expert consensus in OH pp36-40
Challenges in OH: using a pilot nominal group technique to identify expert views for managing clinical practice
Expert Witness: A right to believe – or a right to offend? pp41-43
Religious and philosophical belief under the Equality Act 2010