April/May 2021 (vol. 17/6)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader ArticleThe three Rs (+1) pp03
Working from home pp04-05
Access to work pp05
Bullying at work pp05
Fitness to drive pp05
COVID News and resources: Tea-breaker poll: should key workers be given priority for vaccinations? pp06-07
Non-binary harassment pp11-13
Pregnancy and sex discrimination pp14-15
Huge HAVS fine pp15
Work-focused healthcare pp16-22
Legacy of OH knowledge can help overcome obstacles to policy progress
Domestic abuse pp22-28
Providing support at work
Triage in OH pp29-34 CPD
Why triage is an invaluable tool for occupational health
Expert witness: Pandemic (legal) cases set to rise pp35-37
COVID-19 – employment issues begin to reach the courts