October/November 2020 (vol. 17/3)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader ArticleBack to work pp03
Remote health surveillance pp04-05
Return to work pp05
Chronic pain pp06
NHS people plan pp06-07
HAVS guide for OH pp07
Metalworking fluids pp07
Bloodborne viruses pp07
Clear facemasks pp09
Asthma, COVID and face coverings pp10-11
Remote counselling pp11
Doctors’ health pp12-13
National depression pp13
Access to work pp13
BAME healthcare workers and COVID-19 pp16-21
What we know about the risks so far – tracking the emerging evidence
Communicable diseases in the workplace: business resilience, part 3 pp22-29
Part 3 in our series on business resilience
Adding value pp30-35 CPD
The value of occupational health to workplace wellbeing
OH case study: Loughborough University pp36-39
Transforming an OH function from underperformer to a prized gem