August/September 2020 (vol. 17/2)
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Occupational health risk communication: business resilience, part 2
Part 2 in our series on business resilience
In the second article in a series on the contribution of occupational health to business resilience, occupational physician Paul Nicholson discusses the skills required to ensure effective health risk communication in the workplace.
The 2019-20 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic reminds us that when health professionals are confronted with new health risks, not only must they mitigate and manage disease in affected persons, they must also deal with uncertainty and fear among wider at-risk groups, attitudes that lead to behaviours such as panic buying, and the consequences of social media ‘infodemics’ that include much misinformation.
At the very time that healthcare professionals should be focussing on …
Dr Paul Nicholson is an occupational physician, past chair of the BMA Occupational Medicine Committee and a past president of the Society of Occupational Medicine. He was also the Faculty of Occupational Medicine clinical lead for the development of SEQOHS. As associate medical director for global medical operations he trained P&G’s European OH professionals in health risk communication skills.
Author: Nicholson P
Occupational Health at Work August/September 2020 (vol. 17/2) pp22-28