February/March 2020 (vol. 16/5)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader ArticleClimate change pp03
OSH management pp04-05
Uncivil service pp05
Cochrane work boost pp05
Knowledge of disability pp08-11
Biohazard breach pp11
Mental health training for line managers pp12-16
An emerging evidence base
Endometriosis and work pp17-19
Occupational health support for the one in 10 women with endometriosis
Managing long-term sickness absence, part 3 pp21-25
Part 3: manager training
Sleep, work and ill health, part 3 pp26-30
Part 3: the effects of shiftwork on health
OH physiotherapy by telemedicine pp31-33
A case study in an NHS Trust
Expert Witness: Disability discrimination pp34-36
an update on developments in the law
Legal Case Report: Reasonable adjustment to absence triggers pp37-39 CPD
Northumberland Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust v D Ward