June/July 2019 (vol. 16/1)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader Article NewsIn sickness and health pp04-05
Epilepsy and work pp05
Obesity at work pp07
OH services pp08
Cracks in DWP disability plans pp08-09
HAVS fine pp10
Royal Opera loses its appeal pp12-15
Noise control will not restrict repertoire, says Court of Appeal in Goldscheider v Royal Opera House
Workplace wellbeing – or health promotion? pp16-21
Busting the myth about return on investment
Survey: OH pay and benefits 2018, part 3 pp22-25
Part 3: the state of OH – a qualitative review
Quality outsourcing pp26-28
Outsourced occupational health should not imply a lower quality service
Negligent exposure pp29-31 CPD
Compensation for negligent exposure to a hazardous substance
Conference News: Occupational hygiene 2019 pp32-39
Highlights of the 2019 conference of the British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS). John Ballard reports.