February/March 2019 (vol. 15/5)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader Article NewsNano-reach pp5
GMC consent pp6
Domestic abuse pp6
Good work? pp6-7
Date of knowledge pp9-12
Fined for flour pp12
Double exposure pp12
REVIEW: Ethical OH practice pp13-16
The FOM guidance on ethics for OH professionals
Survey: OH pay and benefits 2018, part 2 pp17-30 CPD
Part 2 of our survey of pay and benefits of OH nurses, OH doctors, OH physiotherapists and occupational hygienists
Managing quality in occupational health, part 2 pp31-35
Part 2: putting quality management into practice
TfL’s Drug and Alcohol Assessment and Treatment Service, part 2 pp36-38
Part 2: Selina’s story
Expert Witness: Disability and misconduct pp39-41 CPD
Advising employers when misconduct may have arisen from a disability