June/July 2018 (vol. 15/1)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader Article NewsSexual harassment at work pp08-09
Hardwood dust fine pp11-12
Shock decision in noise case pp12-14
Reasonable adjustments pp15-16
Long-term sickness absence: a biopsychosocial survey, part 2 pp17-25
Part 2: the management of long-term sickness absence and the biopsychosocial drivers promoting or hindering return to work
Reducing stress, cutting absence pp26-29
GDPR – the way forward, part 2 pp30-35 CPD
Part 2: the General Data Protection Regulation was not just for 25 May 2018
Back pain at work, part 3 pp36-38
Part 3: flare-ups, exercise and manual handling