April/May 2018 (vol. 14/6)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader ArticleGlobal thinking pp03
Not the last of the MoHaWk pp05-06
Dublin hosts ICOH congress pp06-07
Employment tribunals pp07
Asbestos medicals pp09
Neurodiversity pp09
ISO 45001 pp10
Robotics pp10
HEP B vaccine pp10
Was dismissal pregnancy related? pp11-12
Knowledge of disability pp12-16
Survey: Long-term sickness absence: a biopsychosocial survey, part 1 pp15-26
Part 1: establishing the ‘real’ causes of long-term sickness absence and its contribution to lost working time
Back pain at work, part 2 pp27-30
Part 2: case management