December/January 2017/2018 (vol. 14/4)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader ArticleCircular referencing pp03
Tea-breaker poll pp04-05
Chronic fatigue pp05
HCWs with BBVs pp06
Improving mental health at work pp08-09
Workplace wellbeing pp08
Maternity protection pp09
Lyme disease pp10-11
Agency workers pp11
Asbestos management pp11
Modern slavery pp11
Disability confident pp12
Five minutes pp12
FOHN/AOHNP merger pp12
Fitness to drive, part 1 pp16-19
Part 1: the DVLA and its medical advisers
Sleep, work and ill health, part 1 pp20-25 CPD
Part 1: sleep disorders and sleepiness
Problem gambling in the workplace, part 2 pp26-29
Part 2: recognition at work
Expert Witness: Whose fault is it anyway? pp30-32
Vicarious liability and occupational health
Conference News: Workplace Health 2017 pp33-37
Occupational health and the future