October/November 2017 (vol. 14/3)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader ArticleTesting times pp03
Absence rates pp04-05
FOHN/AOHNP merger pp05
Flu vaccine pp05
Consent update pp05
Mental health pp05
Fee for intervention pp06
OH&S appointments pp06
Trans workers pp06-07
HBV jab shortage pp07
We OH the champions pp08
REACH consultation pp08
Employment tribunals pp11
Asbestos prosecution pp11
Vibration fine pp11
Obituary: Ching Aw – OH crusader pp12-13
A tribute to Professor Tar-Ching Aw
Did NICE get it all wrong? pp14-16
Why NICE’s workplace health and wellbeing guidance has not hit the mark
Problem gambling in the workplace, part 1 pp17-20 CPD
Part 1: recognising gambling addiction
Working with HIV pp21-24
Supporting employment for people living with HIV infection
Population ageing and work, part 2 pp25-30
Part 2: effects and solutions at work
Hand-arm vibration syndrome, part 7. HAVS not: pp31-35
Cumulative and impact trauma disorders of the hand – work-related, but not due to hand-arm vibration
Medical mistakes and criminal prosecutions pp36-37
When can medical negligence be grounds for criminal prosecution?