June/July 2017 (vol. 14/1)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader Article NewsPoor progress on disability pp04-05
Absence statistics pp05
Drinking habits pp07
Business Case pp08
Gender differences pp10-11
SHE apprenticeships pp11-12
Tobacco-free NHS pp11
IOSH: work 2022 pp11
Long-term absence dismissals pp13-15
Sole practitioners pp15
Obituary: Good work pp16-17
A tribute to Gordon Waddell
Expert Witness: Direct or indirect? pp18-20
An explanation of direct and indirect discrimination
Excellence in OH nurse education pp21-24
Developing a sustainable blueprint to meet the needs of OH nursing in the UK
Mindfulness at work pp25-29 CPD
Workplace mindfulness interventions – how, why and where?
Hand–arm vibration syndrome, part 6 pp30-36
Part 6: management of the employee with HAVS
Conference News: Dusting down construction pp37-41
The prevention of hazardous exposure in the construction industry took centre stage at the BOHS annual conference