April/May 2017 (vol. 13/6)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader ArticleExplicit Consent pp03
Confidentiality guide pp04-05
FOM ethics guidance pp05
A protected title? pp05
Extending fit note certification pp06-07
NHS absence pp07
Statutory ‘fit pay’ pp08
Fit for work pp08-09
Executive pay pp10
Back pain guide pp10-11
Mind your head pp10
Insomnia pp11
Fitness to drive pp11
ICD-11 pp11
Mobile stress pp11
Work after cancer pp11
HSE cost recovery pp12
Progressive illnesses pp12-14
Performance and disability pp14-16
Hard lessons pp16
Age discrimination pp16
Fabrication pp16
Meet the practitioner: Mark Armour pp17
OH physiotherapist and honorary chair of ACPOHE
Expert Witness: OH confidential pp18-20 CPD
Implications of the revised GMC guidance
New GMC guidance pp21-24
Implications for occupational disease reporting
Releasing hidden talent pp25-28 CPD
Self-advocacy in the workplace: the development of an employment support plan for adults with autism
The Health Work Toolbox pp29-31
A one-stop resource for tackling avoidable sickness absence
Is PPE working for women? pp32-35
The problem of ill-fitting personal protective equipment for women in industry