June/July 2016 (vol. 13/1)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader Article NewsPregnancy discrimination pp4-5
HSE chair pp5
Northern Ireland pp6
Autism guide pp7
Imputed knowledge pp8-10
Employer slips up on PPE pp10-11
A 2020 vision for OH pp13-17
The Council for Work and Health’s second report on OH workforce planning
Biopsychosocial medicine at work pp18-20
A presenter’s view from the 2016 ALAMA spring conference
OH nurses and revalidation pp21-24
A practical experience
Germanwings air crash investigation pp25-30
Implications for the assessment of pilots’ mental health
Publishing your research pp31-35
How to get your occupational health research published in a peer-reviewed journal
Expert Witness: Vicarious liability pp36-38
How can you be liable when it isn't your fault?