October/November 2014 (vol. 11/3)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader ArticleBetter together? pp3
HWS ‘on track’ pp6-7
OSHwiki pp7
SEQOHS revisions pp7
Standard revision pp8-9
Ebola guidance pp9
Trauma guideline pp9
Mental health action pp10-11
Fit for force pp10
HSE chief exec pp11
Cochrane reviews pp11
Support for MSDS pp11
Tribunal statistics pp13
Meet the practitioner: Subhashis Basu pp14
Academic SR in occupational medicine
Practitioner Health Programme pp15-21
Successes, challenges and future plans
The business case for OH, Part 2 pp22-26
Part 2: long live the ROI – making the data work for you
Survey: OH pay and benefits 2014, Part 2 pp27-33
Part two of our survey of pay and benefits examines working hours, benefits and the future of the profession
THOR – the strength of OH data, Part 2 pp34-37
Part two: the research
Expert Witness: Is there a duty of disclosure? pp38-39
Patient confidentiality and the new rules on candour in healthcare