June/July 2014 (vol. 11/1)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader ArticleA nudge is not enough pp3-4
Public health at work pp4-5
OSH priorities pp5
Autism at work pp6
Post-natal depression pp8-9
HAVS case pp10
Meet the Practitioner: Lorraine Warren pp11
Senior OH adviser, Airbus Defence and Space
BOHS 2014 pp12-15
Highlights of the 2014 British Occupational Hygiene Society annual conference
Indemnity for OH Professionals pp16-22
What cover is required, and what is available to the OH specialism?
Survey: OH pay and benefits 2014, Part 1 pp23-28
Part 1 of our survey of pay and benefits of OH nurses, occupational physicians and hygienists
Writing a good OH Report pp29-31
Practical guidance for occupational health practice
Hand–arm vibration syndrome, Part 2 pp32-36
Part 2: clinical presentation and differential diagnosis
Expert Witness: How far is flexible? pp37-38
Do some employees have rights to flexible and part-time working?