August/September 2013 (vol. 10/2)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Inside this issue
Leader Article NewsDomestic abuse pp8
Nice work pp8
Not so fit notes pp8-9
Unreasonable adjustment pp11-12
When I’m 65 … or 66? pp11
Assessing the benefits pp13-18
What next for the Work Capability Assessments?
Unravelling RIDDOR pp19-23
The HSE plots more changes to the reporting regime
Carpal tunnel syndrome, Part-2 pp24-27
Part 2 - Clinical diagnosis and management
Dilemma: Health, safety and the insurance industry pp28-29
Can insurers do more to encourage better OH&S management?
Blowing the whistle pp30-31
Protection for workers who make public-interest disclosures