December/January 2013/2014 (vol. 10/4)
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Research Plus
Long working hours
Long working hours are significantly associated with depression, anxiety, sleep, and coronary heart disease, even after removing the influence of shiftwork, this systematic review finds. Evidence for the impact of long working hours on diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, mental and behavioural disorders, cognitive function, and health-related behaviours (eg alcohol use, smoking and physical behaviour) was insufficient. Long working hours were defined as working time over 40 hours a week or more than eight hours a day, and included time spent on work brought home.
The association between long working hours and health: A systematic review of epidemiological evidence. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health 2013; online first: doi: 10.5271/sjweh.3388
Occupational Health at Work December/January 2013/2014 (vol. 10/4) pp46