December/January 2010/2011 (vol. 07/4)
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Research Plus
Neck pain and long-term absence
A randomised controlled trial demonstrates the effectiveness of two interventions to improve work ability in female social service workers on long-term sick leave due to neck pain. Participants were mostly working with elderly and disabled people, had been off work for at least 60 days, and had neck pain or disability for at least one year. Participants were randomised to either ‘myofeedback’ training (an easy-to-wear electromyography device warns the participant if muscles have not been allowed to rest for a pre-set time); intensive muscular training (five-to-10-minute programme performed twice a day, six days a week); or controls. Both interventions significantly reduced pain and improved self-rated work ability at one-month follow up.
Occupational Health at Work December/January 2010/2011 (vol. 07/4) pp44-45