February/March 2014 (vol. 10/5)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Survey: Health screening at Recruitment, Part 2
Part 2: health questionnaires, declarations, medical reports and cost
In part 2 of our exclusive 2013 survey of employers’ policies and practice in pre-employment health screening, Occupational Health [at Work] editor John Ballard examines the reasons for carrying out health screening at recruitment, GP reports and medical examinations, how much time practitioners spend doing recruitment health screening and whether or not it is worth the time and effort.
PART 1 of this report on employment practice on pre-employment health assessment1revealed that …
John Ballard is editor of Occupational Health [at Work].
Author: Ballard J
Occupational Health at Work February/March 2014 (vol. 10/5) pp24-35