December/January 2012/2013 (vol. 09/4)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Alcohol on the brain, Part 2
Part 2: alcohol and work
In the second of a two-part feature on alcohol misuse at work, Colin Payton considers the impact alcohol misuse can have at work and in society, and the role of OH in tackling misuse among employees.
PART 1 of this two-part series on alcohol misuse at work examined the spectrum of alcohol use and the tools available to occupational health (OH) practitioners to help identify and diagnose misuse in workers1. This final part considers the effect that alcohol misuse can have at…
Colin Payton is a consultant occupational physician at the Royal United Hospital in Bath and a freelance writer.
Author: Payton C
Occupational Health at Work December/January 2012/2013 (vol. 09/4) pp30-33