October/November 2011 (vol. 08/3)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
Dilemma: OH nurses – poorly represented?
Is the RCN doing enough for OH nurses?
Are OH nurses being adequately supported by the RCN with the loss of the former Society of Occupational Health Nursing and the creation of the RCN Public Health Forum?
Helen Kirk believes that OH nurses are well served by the RCN within the RCN Public Health Forum
Most occupational health care is delivered by nurses. It is important that OH nurses ensure they have strong and effective representation – this is good for the specialty, good for nursing, and good for the workers who need.…
Helen Kirk is occupational health specialist nurse and a member of the RCN Public Health Forum steering committee.
Christina Butterworth believes the RCN is primarily focussed on the NHS and does not fully recognise and support the work of OH nurses, of whom the majority work in other sectors
Occupational health (OH) nursing is a unique sector of nursing that, though it is multifaceted, is also simplistic in nature, focusing on the effect of health on work and .…
Christina Butterworth, is president of the Association of Occupational Health Nurse Practitioners (UK).
Author: Butterworth C, Kirk H
Occupational Health at Work October/November 2011 (vol. 08/3) pp32-33