October/November 2008 (vol. 05/3)
ContentsFeaturesResearch PlusCPD
Mediating on absence
Can early mediation help in absence management and return to work?
Can early mediation be used as a means to resolve relationship issues and conflict at work that may trigger sickness absence or obstruct return to work from illness? The At Work Partnership is working with the Institute for Employment Studies to explore the use of early mediation, and the results of a 12-month scoping study are presented here.
MEDIATION is often used to try to resolve disputes. The government is keen to see mediation used more widely to resolve problems at work. It believes that mediation can be a more effective and less adversarial alternative to resolving disputes through employment tribunals. Many mediation practitioners are already dealing with work- related issues, including cases involving absence and ill health…
Dr John Ballard and Paul Suff are directors of the At Work Partnership. Dr Sally Wilson and Alice Sinclair are research fellows at the Institute for Employment Studies. Dr Christine Mason is an occupational physician.
Author: Ballard J, Mason C, Sinclair A, Suff P, Wilson S
Occupational Health at Work October/November 2008 (vol. 05/3) pp16-21