December/January 2008/2009 (vol. 05/4)
ContentsFeaturesResearch PlusCPD
Work-relevant upper limb disorders
Their characterisation, causation and management
A major evidence review on the classification, aetiology, work-relatedness and management of upper-limb disorders has revealed a spectrum of conditions. The authors of this HSE-funded research explain their findings.
UPPER limb disorders (ULDs) are extremely common and they have an enormous impact on individuals and on the economy through lost productivity, work loss and disability. Yet, while some conditions that come under the broad umbrella of ULDs attract a specific diagnostic label, others are of a non-specific nature; both may encompass psychological as well as physical elements, often with …
Professor Kim Burton is attached to the Centre for Health and Social Care Research at the University of Huddersfield; Dr Nicholas Kendall runs a health services consultancy in London; Brian Pearce is director of Humane Technology Ltd, Rothley; Dr Lisa Birrell is director of clinical services at the Institute of Occupational Medicine, Edinburgh; and Mr Chris Bainbridge is a consultant hand surgeon at Pulvertaft Hand Centre, Derbyshire Royal Infirmary.
Author: Burton K, Kendall N, Pearce B, Birrell L, Bainbridge C
Occupational Health at Work December/January 2008/2009 (vol. 05/4) pp13-18