February/March 2009 (vol. 05/5)
ContentsFeaturesResearch PlusCPD
Work-related stress
Reforming the law and employer behaviour
The present legal system is inadequate to deal with work-related stress and employers are unclear of their duties, argues John Hamilton. He examines the case for change.
AS little as 15 years ago it was unclear exactly what legal mechanisms existed for work-related psychological injury beyond that relating to ‘nervous shock’. From the first successful civil work-related stress case in 19941 there has been a rapid development of tort law to deal with the large number of cases t h at have followed, not to mention the…
John Hamilton was recently appointed as head of safety, health and wellbeing at Leeds Metropolitan University, having previously been head of group health and safety at Bradford & Bingley plc.
Author: Hamilton J
Occupational Health at Work February/March 2009 (vol. 05/5) pp30-34