December/January 2009/2010 (vol. 06/4)
ContentsFeaturesResearch PlusCPD
GMC guidance on confidentiality
A joint statement from the Faculty of Occupational Medicine and the Society of Occupational Medicine
The GMC has issued new guidance on confidentiality, but how will it affect occupational physicians? The FOM and SOM met with the GMC to discuss the concerns of their membership and to clarify the scope and applicability of the new code to occupational settings. The FOM and SOM released a joint statement for members and agreed to its publication in Occupational Health [atWork].
On 28 September 2009, the General Medical Council (GMC) published new guidance on confidentiality,…
The statement was prepared for the FOM and SOM by FOM president Prof David Coggon, SOM president Dr Tony Stevens, and the chair of the FOM Ethics Committee Dr Paul Litchfield.
Author: FOM/SOM
Occupational Health at Work December/January 2009/2010 (vol. 06/4) pp33-34