February/March 2010 (vol. 06/5)
ContentsFeaturesResearch PlusCPD
Dilemma: Do we need a ‘Faculty of Occupational Health’?
Is there a case for a new multidisciplinary OH faculty?
With greater emphasis on multidisciplinary OH services, is it time to create a Faculty of Occupational Health, open to occupational physicians, OH nurses and allied professionals? Cynthia Atwell and Richard Preece present their views.
There is a need to take a completely new approach to providing occupational healthcare in this rapidly changing world of work. That includes reviewing how all the specialties are educated, how research is identified and managed, how OH pilot projects are coordinated, and how the different and diverse professions involved in OH provision are accredited and controlled. Most businesses do...
Cynthia Atwell is an OH nurse and chair of the RCN Public Health Forum
Richard Preece is a consultant occupational physician at Mid Cheshire Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Author: Attwell C, Preece R
Occupational Health at Work February/March 2010 (vol. 06/5) pp28-29