June/July 2010 (vol. 07/1)
NewsResearch DigestResearch PlusCPD
International OH systems, Part 3
Part 3: The rise and fall of Danish OH services
In the third in a series of articles exploring different national occupational health systems, Thora Brendstrup explains Denmark’s unique model for OH service delivery, and laments a gradual decline over the past decade.
DENMARK has a very specific history of occupational health (OH) service facilities. Historically OH services hardly existed. During the 1970s they developed in a multidisciplinary way – though mainly without doctors and nurses – and with a focus on the work environment rather than the workers themselves. And since 2000, OH services have been in danger of disappearing altogether…
Dr Thora Brendstrup, MD, PhD, is specialised in occupational medicine, a member of the board of the Danish Society of Occupational Medicine and is an occupational health physician for the City of Copenhagen.
Author: Bendstrup T
Occupational Health at Work June/July 2010 (vol. 07/1) pp26-29